Monday, December 24, 2007

a christmas treat for all

(please note this this nothing to do with comics at all unless the people in the videos read them.) bill cosby white christmas

slade-here it is merry christmas

merry christmas! to all

just a quicky merry christmas to all who read my blog and a happy and healthy newyear to all.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

1940s dandy strips

i have jut whizzed round the time and space comic vortex and found a facsimile of the first ever dandy annual and gee are the desparte dan strips funny or what. why dont they have strips like that today?. it is soooooooo funny and dan the night watchman and pode there all funny.

why are comics not popular anymore

why are comics not popular anymore i mean why do kids not read them that much. why is it computer games or something maybe its beacause the comics now are not like they used to be.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

do you want a praticular comic

guys do you want a particular decade or a praticular comic well just leave me a coment syaing what decade or what comic or even both i will whizz round the comic vortex for you.

(please note i did crash the tardis.)

the beano and the curse of the reprint

i heard someone on comics uk talk about the beano and reprints and were they right yes!.
about every billy whizz strip you see in modern beanos are all reprints from the 90s yes its true why cant the lazy artists at dc thomson do new strips?.

hello & welcome

and welcome to my blog this blog is dedicated to brtish comics i hope you enjoy it.